It is a large debate as to what web pages should be used for. Some focus on the aesthetically pleasing, however I feel that the main focus should be content. What does your site provide that no one else can? If the answer is nothing, should you really have one, or is it just wasting bandwidth, which in effect costs everyone money?

If you have images, check the byte size, and try to keep them as small as possible. A common thing I notice is that people often forget to include ALT tags in their images. Not everyone uses a gui (graphical user interface) browser, which means they can't see images on webpages, only read the text. (I often use a popular non-gui browser called lynx ).

If you have a website, or are thinking of creating one, may I request that you read the following sites before doing so. The first one is regarding HTML standards . It is a long read, but results in proper HTML, which unfortunately most sites do not have. However the most important thing to remember is content. Make sure your site offers something that other sites don't. Another good site is HTML Help .

Do not ever use an HTML editor. Use your favorite text editor to create the perfect page. I have never seen an HTML editor create a proper webpage. Your page might look good with your browser, but may not look good with all of the various browsers available.

After a little experience creating websites, you might be interested in creating dynamic pages. If this interests you, you'll want to check out php .

You can verify that your page is using proper HTML by entering your website's address at Validator .

Valid XHTML 1.0!

-Yashy <yashy(at)>
