1) What are the topics of the list?
Frequency Scanning
(and that was just today :)
2) Are those all the topics?
No, You can talk about anything of interest,
so long as it is not too illegal. (eg. I am anti-childporn)
3) Who runs this list?
As of Thu Dec 3 00:30:45 EST 1998 I once again
moderate and maintain the list.
4) How do I sign up or change my subscrption settings?
These actions can be completed on the Mailman interface
5) How much traffic does the list see?
Depends on subject. From +100 posts a day to one every two days.
It depends on how many posts you and the others make.
I'd also like to mention that forwarding messages is
frowned upon, as I prefer personal knowledge than something
cut and pasted from the www. I'd recommend posting a brief
summary/tutorial and than adding a link to the webpage.
Prove you have intelligence.
6) Are there archives of yashy-hack posts?
Due to the large increase of spam bots etc, the
archives have been removed.
If you are looking for a specific post,
ask to the list, as alot of subscribers also own archives.
7) Will I learn anything?
This is a good question, the only way anyone will get
anything out of it is by posting. If you have any questions,
ask them.
8) Okay then, how do I post a message to the list?
Send it to yashy-hack@mail.yashy.com
You have to be a member to post.
9) What if I want to post anonymously?
In the archives there is a list of remailers to use.
Our anonymous remailer is currently inactive to the public.
10) What if I don't like the topics on the list?
Send an email to yashy-hack-request@mail.yashy.com
body/message (not subject): unsubscribe your@ddress.here
Thats it.
11) Who should I give credit to?
Anyone that posts :)
In case it wasn't apparent, Yashy's list in particular is probably MORE applicable to unix admins than wannabe hackers. - cult hero <jericho(at)dimensional.com> I, for one, certainly thought Yashy's list was a bunch of wannabe hackers until I joined and lurked for a bit. - Bryan Fullerton <bryanf(at)samurai.com>